The following is a statement by Premier Hon. Mark Brantley made on June 12, 2021 My fellow citizens and residents of Nevis. I speak to you as Premier of Nevis on the unfolding situation with the COVID-19 pandemic in our country. As you would be aware the...
The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis has recorded 36 additional positive COVID-19 cases bringing the total number to 155 confirmed cases to date, since the virus arrived at our shores in late March 2020. The announcement was made by Prime Minister, Dr. the Honourable Timothy...
Military troops and officials from several countries including The Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, France, Haiti and Jamaica, Monday begin a two-week military exercise in Guyana that military officials said will also assist Guyana's capacity to respond to natural disaster and other...
The Milwaukee Bucks finally looked like the Milwaukee Bucks in dominating the second half of Game 4 to take a 107-96 win over the Brooklyn Nets and even the Eastern Conference semifinals series at 2-2. Giannis Antetokounmpo outdueled the Nets' Kevin Durant after Kyrie Irving was...