Seized firearms in Bermuda linked to multiple crimes, police report

September 24, 2024 in Regional

Forensic examinations have confirmed that firearms seized by the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) over the past year are directly linked to multiple crimes currently under investigation.

The BPS said, “Forensic examinations on these firearms have confirmed their use in crimes that are currently under investigation. Ballistic tests on a number of these firearms have linked their use to multiple incidents.”

Over the last twelve months, the BPS has successfully confiscated a total of 12 firearms and quantities of ammunition. These seizures have not only provided vital evidence for ongoing investigations but have also led to several arrests, including a recent case where a 42-year-old man was charged with firearm possession.

“The seizure of these firearms has at the very least prevented the commission of serious acts of criminality and prevented possible serious injury. More importantly, prevented any potential loss of life,” the police emphasized.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Antoine Daniels praised the community’s role in these successes: “The BPS wish to thank those individuals who have so far come forward to provide information which has assisted in the removal of these dangerous weapons from our streets, thereby making our communities that much safer.”

Despite these positive developments, the BPS remains concerned about the presence of illegal firearms on the island. Daniels noted, “We remain concerned that there are still illegal firearms out there, which the criminal element continues to seek opportunities to use to further their nefarious activity.”

The police are urging continued cooperation from the public. Multiple channels are available for reporting information about illegal firearms, including the main police number (295-0011), the 211 hotline, and the community reporting portal at

Anonymous tips can be submitted to Crime Stoppers at 800-8477, with potential rewards of up to $5,000 for valuable information.