Road March Grand Prize Increased to $25,000

September 27, 2024 in National

The St. Kitts & Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) is delighted to announce anexciting enhancement for this year’s Sugar Mas 53 – the Road March Grand Prize has beenincreased to an impressive $25,000.Representing the heartbeat of Carnival, Road March encapsulates the spirit and energy of ourpeople. More than just a competition, it is the soul of Sugar Mas, where music moves themasses, stirring emotions and uniting the entire nation in a celebration of culture and creativity.Key dates and deadlines for participation are as follows:● October 1, 2024: Registration deadline for all Road March contenders.● November 1, 2024: Final date for the release of Road March song(s) on two radiostations in St. Kitts & Nevis.● November 1, 2024: Deadline for submitting song(s) to the SKNNCC and● November 17, 2024: Road March song(s) must be published on a music streamingplatform (e.g. Meta Sound Collection).This year’s Road March will be judged over two dynamic stages:● Judging Part 1 – J’ouvert (December 26, 2024):Between 6:00 and 11:00am, judges will be stationed along the route, noting which songsare played by each contender. A special live performance at The Circus will also bejudged by three adjudicators during the same hours.● Judging Part 2 – Grand Parade (January 1, 2025):During the Grand Parade, songs will be judged when they pass two key points: (1) theofficial judging area on Church Street and (2) the performance stage.Road March celebrates the very best of our music and culture and so, to ensure the competitionreflects the values of our society, songs containing inappropriate or offensive lyrics will result inimmediate disqualification.For full competition rules and guidelines, please visit the Carnival Secretariat in the E.C. DanielBuilding on Cayon Street.