Astro is the new Senior Calypso Monarch

December 30, 2014 in National

OscarAstroBrowne-1Crowned in the early morning hours of Tuesday was Oscar Astro Browne who amassed a total of 802. Astro the first contestant to take the stage on Monday night, set the bar high with his rendition of “Flush it.” He won 397 points for that round the highest of all contestants.

His second song “Carnival Therapy” was also well received and he was captured 405 for round 2.

Kimara Martin -Lady Diva, who many thought may have captured the crown, placed 1st runner up with 787.

The final contestant to take the stage on Monday night, Lady Diva’s “cancer free” rendition was only two points behind the King Astro with 395 points.

Round 2 saw Lady Diva bring the curtains to a close with her performance of “Dear Fans.”earning her 392 points.

Calypso veteran Sylvester Socrates Hodge won over the crowd in both rounds receiving a standing ovation each time. Singing “Holy War”,
Socrates captured 387. He belted out Socro Don’t have to Sing” gained 392 pointsin round 2.

Gloria Esdaille “Queeny G” who placed third runner up with 778 points experienced some technician difficulties in the first round and had to start over. She was however able to amass 378 points after singing “Legacy Speaks”. Her second round performance of “No other Being’ was only second only to the king with 400 points.

The reigning king Richie Buntin did not place.

His arrival onstage was met with a mixture of cheers and boos from a very noticeable divided crowd.

National carnival com chairman Sylvester Anthony speaking to sugar bowl on Tuesday morning expressed delight with the quality of Monday nights show.