Author: Clivette

Belize severely affected by COVID-19 pandemic says IMF

March 15, 2021 in Regional

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Belize has been “severely affected” by the COVID-19 pandemic, pointing the South American CARICOM member state's death per capita from COVID-19 and its economic haemorrhage caused by the pandemic. “Following a successful containment of the first wave of the pandemic,...

IDB commits US$75 million to boost Jamaica’s COVID-19 response

March 12, 2021 in Regional

Jamaica’s capacity to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been further boosted through a US$75-million loan commitment from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). An IDB communiqué on Thursday indicated that the provision is earmarked to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of public policy and fiscal management,...