Author: Clivette

19 firearms, ammo seized in MoBay

January 12, 2021 in Regional

The St James police have recovered 19 illegal firearms and a large number of ammunition during an operation in Montego Bay yesterday. The arms cache includes 13 handguns and six rifles. It is not clear if anyone has been arrested in connection with the find. However, OBSERVER ONLINE...

CDC Warns of These COVID Vaccine Side Effects

January 12, 2021 in International

As the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines continue to roll out across the country, the biggest concern that many people have surrounds their potential side effects. In an effort to quell the fear currently circulating surrounding the vaccine—which experts maintain will help ensure herd immunity...


January 11, 2021 in National

Shark attack at Turtle beach in St Kitts waters. Freedom Fm has received confirmation of a shark attack in St kitts where at least one person received serious injuries and is now in surgery. The person attacked by a shark was a Ross student from Texas swimming...