Author: Clivette

BREAKING: Jamaica confirms first imported case of COVID-19

March 10, 2020 in Regional

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Jamaica today confirmed its first imported case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) here in Kingston. Below is the statement from Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Christopher Tufton regarding the patient: The patient is a Jamaican female who had travelled from the United Kingdom,...

No more wine, holy water at RC Masses

March 06, 2020 in Regional

The Ro­man Church in Trinidad and To­ba­go has ceased serv­ing wine among sev­er­al oth­er pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures as the threat of the spread of the coro­n­avirus looms large over the Caribbean. Some of the oth­er ma­jor changes tak­ing ef­fect yes­ter­day in­clude Holy Com­mu­nion on­ly be­ing dis­trib­uted in...