Hon Marcella Liburd
ST. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Chairperson and Parliamentary Representative for Constituency #2, The Hon Marcella Liburd, says she has recently received information that a case between the Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Vance Amory and ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation, has been settled.
Nevis Premier Vance Amory filed a defamation law suit against the state-controlled ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation in 2014. The suit alleged that on ZIZ TV’s June 23rd 2014 newscast, the presenter Mr. Vere Galloway, “falsely and maliciously” accused Premier Amory of using his office to enrich himself and members of his immediate family. Comments made in the same item, by Labour-party spokesman Austin Edinborough, who was introduced by the presenter as a political commentator, were included in the suit. The claim charges that Mr. Edinborough made “malicious” comments about the Premier’s involvement in a land deal.
Hon Marcella Liburd speaking on Freedom Fm on Saturday called on the government to advise the public as to whether or not the case had indeed been settled. Liburd further indicated that reports indicated that the amount settled on was $35,000.00. Liburd called for transparency and accountability in this matter as it would be tax payers money that was being used to make the payment.