
CoVID-19 Statistics for St. Kitts & Nevis as at March 30-31

March 31, 2020 in National

Health officials have given an update of the statistics relative to the Federation, during the first broadcast of the daily briefing of the Health Emergency Operation Center on Monday (March 30). Dr. Marissa Carty gave an update of the statistics. Daily situation reports and information can be...

HEOC activates NEOC and Bases it at NEMA Headquarters

March 31, 2020 in National

  As the number of confirmed cases of CoVID-19 rise, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is now the base of the National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC), as the green light was given from Attorney General Hon. Vincent Byron on Monday (March 30), to activate the Health Emergency Operational Centre.   Abdias Samuel, Chairman of...

Local CoVID19 Task Force Debunks Rumours

March 27, 2020 in National

[caption id="attachment_26384" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dr. Hazel Laws, Chief Medical Officer and head of the local CoVID19 Task Force, St. Kitts and Nevis debunks rumours during her address on March 26 2020[/caption] Dr. Hazel Laws, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis...