
CCM Minister Liburd responds to SKN Observer

June 15, 2015 in National

Jr Minister in the Nevis Island Administration with responsibility for communications, Works, Public Utilities, Posts, Physical and Environment, Honorable Troy Liburd slammed the St. Kitts – Nevis Observer’s editorial calling it irresponsible. Liburd questioned the agenda and motive of the writer but maintained that the...

Dr Drew offers assistance to former sugar workers

June 11, 2015 in National

[caption id="attachment_340" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dr. Terrence Drew[/caption] St Kits Nevis Labour Party Constituency #8 candidate, Dr Terrence Drew is of the view that the federations former sugar workers deserve every benefit given to them. Whilst guest on Freedom Fm, Dr Drew who was raised by a grandmother...