CCM Minister Liburd responds to SKN Observer

June 15, 2015 in National

TroyLiburd-1Jr Minister in the Nevis Island Administration with responsibility for communications, Works, Public Utilities, Posts, Physical and Environment, Honorable Troy Liburd slammed the St. Kitts – Nevis Observer’s editorial calling it irresponsible. Liburd questioned the agenda and motive of the writer but maintained that the CCM/NIA has nothing to hide as everything is on the up and up.

On the question of two (2) salaries -one as a federal minister and one as NIA minister- for Premier Vance Amory and tourism Minister Mark Brantley, Liburd said there was precedence for this during the tenure of Former Premiers Simian Daniel and Joseph Parry. Liburd said it was not the first time persons had served in a dual capacity although he was unsure of the payment logistics. Liburd added that if NRP had won the elections, Robelto Hector, Hensley Daniel and Nisbett would have served as Federal and Local Ministers of Government.

Liburd further took the Observer to task for what he termed derogatory comments in reference to equipment looking like toys being leased for a whopping $43,000 per month, when backhoes were available to do the job. The junior Minister stressed that the NIA got the contract at a fair and comparable price and that local backhoes, small and large trucks were hired over the past 6-7 months for the Hanleys Road proposal, the Water project and Ministry of Roads.

On the Observer’s call of corruption within the CCM/NIA in allowing a truck to operate for $200 per day whether it worked or not, Liburd called this nonsense and rubbish but said the NIA maintains the highest standards of transparency and accountability in its expanded communication and works projects in Nevis.

Liburd said a so called reputable newspaper like the Observer should not be misleading the public in this way.