Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris (left) and Dr. Denzil Douglas
On Thursday July 17 Former Prime Minister of SKN and Leader of the Federal Opposition Dr Denzil Douglas, told an “Issues” audience on Freedom Fm that comparative statistics revealed by St. Kitts -Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris showing that the overall crime rate was trending downwards from 2013-2015, were the same statistics provided by Former Commissioner of Police C.G Walwyn. Dr Douglas said these same crime stats were disputed and rejected by the then Unity Coalition while in opposition. Dr Douglas said it was therefore interesting and instructive to hear the same Timothy Harris now quoting the same statistics and using the same CRIME PLAN provided by the Former Commissioner of Police.
At his monthly press conference on Wednesday 15 July, Prime Minister, Dr. Harris revealed that over the last few months there have been successful public safety initiatives by the security forces designed to address a number of concerns. “I am pleased to report that for another month the overall picture with respect to crime and major crimes is that they are down for homicides and gun related incidents. Indeed we have had a 33 percent reduction in major crimes in St. Kitts and Nevis from January to June of this year compared to the same period last year”.
Included among the category of major crimes are murder, break-in, larceny, robbery, wounding, malicious damage, arson, firearm and drugs. Prime Minister Harris commended the police for the overall results in terms of the reduction in major crimes, but said there is still much work to be done in reversing the upward trend in murder and firearm related crimes. “Between the period 2013 and 2015 major crimes have fallen 55.3 percent. Whatever our view, these are the hard facts and I want therefore to offer commendation to the Acting Commissioner of Police and his High Command, to those in the Defence Force and all those who have been cooperating in the fight against crime”, he said.
Dr. Douglas said the Crime Plan advanced by Dr Harris as Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, used to be a 12 point plan but has now been reduced to a 6 point plan. Dr. Douglas said there continues to be uncertainty over the selection of a Commissioner of Police as “Harris knows he is going to retire the Acting COP Stafford Liburd and has identified Magistrate Ronald Benjamin to become the new COP’.
Douglas further revealed that plans are being made to remove Assistant Commissioner of Police with responsibility for Crime Ian Queeley and that serious discussion are taking place to remove ACP Henderson and place him within the Director of Public Prosecutions Office. “How then can you expect the High Command and Rank file of the police to implement crime preventative measures with any level of confidence and leadership given the changes to be made in a few weeks? asked Douglas.
Dr. Douglas said the 6 point plan was therefore a joke and that there was nothing new in the crime plan. The community policing and school initiatives indicated by Prime Minister Harris, have all been tried and implemented before. Dr Douglas urged Prime Minister Harris to implement measures that would lead to arrests for serious crimes such as homicides and armed robberies. ‘All this talk about hundreds of cars searched and uprooting marijuana plants, do not tackle the real issues of crime, the former prime minister said.
Meanwhile an alarming 18 murders in 6 months has prompted the business community to again express concern over the level of violent crime in St. Kitts and Nevis. “The St. Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CIC) continues to be extremely concerned over the extent of crimes involving firearms in St. Kitts and Nevis. In recent months there have been a disturbing number of such crimes, resulting in four fatalities taking the homicide toll to eighteen (18) for 2015,” the NGO said in a press release.
The Chamber commended the efforts of the police regarding their continued open relationship with the private sector and other members of civil society but called for effective measures to reduce the level of gun crimes “by all necessary means within the Law”.
“These should include, but not be limited to: speedier trials of persons charged with firearm offenses; increasing the number of experienced prosecution counsel; and continuation of the reported increase in forensic and technical support and training of the Criminal Investigation Department.”