Dr. Terrence Drew
St Kits Nevis Labour Party Constituency #8 candidate, Dr Terrence Drew is of the view that the federations former sugar workers deserve every benefit given to them.
Whilst guest on Freedom Fm, Dr Drew who was raised by a grandmother who worked in the sugar industry for all of her life, recounted how difficult it was for the workers to make ends meet.
Dr Drew explained that he is bothered that the now Prime Minister Dr Hon Timothy Harris, some three years after the closure of the industry in 2008 was quoted in the st kitts nevis observer saying that the former sugar worker were paid all that was owed to them yet now PM Harris is the same person claiming that the workers were robbed.
Dr Drew urged all of the former sugar worker to sign up for their share of the $16 million pay out. He offered his assistance to the person who may need it.