It’s the 9th Annual Central Basseterre Family Fun Day on Friday 14th April (Good Friday) at the Gardens Playing Field Starting at 11:00 am.
Soft Ball at 11:00 am
Cricket and Kite-flying competition at 1:00 pm (the first 10 children at the playing field get a free kite)
Fun races at 3:00 pm – Easter Bunny Hop Race, hula hoop competition, Easter Egg Race.
Then at 5:00 pm it’s the Easter Hat Parade modelled by the finest young ladies.
Football and Basketball competitions will follow the hat parade.
Dominoes, Easter egg hunt and giveaways take place all throughout the afternoon.
Prize-giving at the end of every competition.
Drinks and eats on sale including fish, Johnny cakes, konki, saltfish, red herring cook-up, salmon balls, salt-fish cake, fritters, ginger beer, and other local and bottled drinks.
Bring the entire family out to a day of fun, surprises, good music and excitement from beginning to end.