Taken from: theblaze.com
A new Bill aimed at making it easier for eligible residents to obtain a firearm was passed in the Lower House of Parliament Thursday.
The legislation, which was passed without debate, changes the current system for applying for a firearm.
Previously, all applications for firearms were approved by a committee made up of the Commissioner of Police, head of Defense Force and an additional appointee with national security expertise.
In his address to Parliament on Thursday, Attorney General Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, who is also the minister of national security, said he believes the Bill is a necessary one and that it formed part of the government’s “zero tolerance” stance on crime.
“If therefore you feel that you can enter a man’s house at night and attempt to terrify them once they have a firearm license and it is used justifiably you may have a problem on your hands. This government says zero tolerance to crime, especially when they are committed with a firearm. Crime will not pay.”
He said that since the government took office in 2014, it has been able to put a hold on the crime situation in Antigua.