Freedom Wall

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Stay With God Ministry 7:27:26amThankful Thursday to all [@WebMaster] - @ the DJ.Heavenly Father we come before you today with hearts full of gratitude.We thank you for the gift of life breath health and strength even the pain.We thank you for our families friends communities and our Nation.We thank you for watching over us at nights for protection guidance and more.Thank you for hearing and answering prayers.Thank you for victory and battles won.These and more we thank you for in Jesus name we pray.Amen and Amen.
Nightingale 9:26:40amMorning sugar bowl ❤️ please say happy birthday to my Auntie Viola Steven in St Maarten enjoy We love you always from Gale and steffon in Tampa Florida
Ted10:07:49amThursday morning blues for me \"When your happy you enjoy the music but when your sad you understand the lyrics\" aah boy :,(
Carol in Atlanta 10:59:28amGood Morning Sugar Bowl...
Carol in Atlanta 11:01:37amSugar Bowl I am interviewing Client with my ear piece in one ear. One Client ask why I am smiling...
Ted11:17:08amLol da story bout de bus kill me just now =D =D =D
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