Liburd calls on Richard to provide the public with information on the Basseterre High School

June 08, 2015 in National

Marcella+Shawn-1Hon Marcella Liburd, Chairman of the SKNLP and Parliamentary representative for Constituency #2, is calling on the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education to provide nationals with information on what the Government plans to do to rectify the Basseterre High School (BHS) situation. Liburd on a recent edition of “Issues” on Freedom Fm, explained that the current shift arrangement has become very uncomfortable and other locations are being sought.

Liburd revealed that she has heard of many different plans to relocate the student and teachers. One such plan was the erection of temporary buildings on the playing field between the Beach Allen Primary School and the Washington Archibald High School. She said that whatever the decision taken, the public has received no information as to what will happen in September when school reopens after the summer break.

At a recent press conference, Deputy Prime Minister Richards revealed that the site of the old Fort Thomas Hotel is one of the areas being looked at as a temporary location. He said to make the buildings there usable for classes would cost $2.1 million and to construct wooden buildings to use as temporary classrooms would cost $3.8 million.

Mr. Richards noted the use of modular buildings is also considered.

The Basseterre High School compound was closed to the public after years of teachers and students continued to report similar symptoms which suggest an environmental cause.