Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas told a packed town hall meeting in Newtown on Wednesday that his government is still in power because it has a majority in parliament.
Referring to the parliamentary procedures of determining how each member of the National Assembly votes,PM Douglas said the Opposition was outnumbered each time the count was taken. The prime minister said the sitting on Monday showed the world, the legitimacy of the government and that the SKNLP government had the majority.
Monday’s sitting of the St. Kitts and Nevis National Assembly highlighted the continued ability of the Denzil L. Douglas Labour Party Administration to use its majority in the law making body to defeat attempts by the opposition to derail the introduction of several bills.
The defeat of the opposition by the government side also highlighted the disunity and confusion in the Parliamentary Opposition led by the Hon. Mark Brantley, who was absent, with some voting “no” while others indicated they were “not participating.”
PM Douglas then told the townhall meeting that Team Unity came to disrupt the proceedings but they lost in parliament and indicated they “would lose again” in the upcoming federal elections