NRP Senator Carlisle Powell on Friday’s edition of Issues said the new NRP candidate Corey Tyson will defeat the incumbent veteran candidate Premier Vance Amory. Powell said the young people in Nevis 10 would put Tyson in as the parliamentary representative as Amory has failed to deliver for the people of Gingerland.
Powell also sounded off on the failure by every Team Unity/CCM representative to attend the ceremony at the National Assembly for the 25 most remarkable teens, 9 of whom were Nevisians. Powell said it saddened him not only because one of the recipients is a godson of Mark Brantley but more so because it indicates a lack of respect for the dignity and achievement of our youth. Powell said the opposition have boycotted the youth in St. Kitts-Nevis.
Powell said the state of Nevis’ economy was stagnant despite tricks by Premier Vance Amory and Deputy. Hon. Brantley met with investors in china and Singapore to bring investment to Nevis. Powell said CCM had brought no jobs, no projects or investments to Nevis.