Prime Minister Launches Groundbreaking ASPIRE Programme at National Youth Rally

September 17, 2024 in National

Today, at the National Youth Rally held at Warner Park in celebration of Independence, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew officially announced the launch of ASPIRE (Achieving Success through Personal Investment, Resources, and Education), a groundbreaking new financial education, savings, and investment programme for the nation’s youth.

ASPIRE is the first initiative of its kind in the region, designed to equip the next generation of Saint Kitts and Nevis citizens with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to build a bright financial future. The programme underscores the government’s commitment to fostering financial literacy and economic empowerment among the country’s young people.

As part of the ASPIRE Programme, every citizen of Saint Kitts and Nevis aged 5-18, including nationals and citizens by descent, will receive a EC$1,000 contribution from the government. This contribution will be divided into two parts: EC$500 to be held in a savings account at St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank and EC$500 to be invested in shares of local, government-owned entities. This unique approach not only encourages savings but also introduces young people to the world of investments, helping them to grow their wealth from an early age.

Speaking at the launch, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew expressed his enthusiasm for the programme, stating, “Today marks a historic moment for our nation. ASPIRE is not just a programme; it is a promise to our youth—a promise that we are investing in your future, in your dreams, and in your potential to lead Saint Kitts and Nevis towards a brighter tomorrow. This is your opportunity to build wealth, gain financial knowledge, and contribute to the prosperity of our nation. Together, we will ASPIRE to greatness.”

The launch of ASPIRE follows the Prime Minister’s commitment in the December 2023 Budget announcement to invest in the nation’s youth as a key strategy for long-term economic growth and development. ASPIRE is designed to empower young citizens by providing them with practical financial education and real investment opportunities, setting the foundation for a financially secure and independent future.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to learn more about the programme, including eligibility criteria, and to sign their children up for ASPIRE by visiting the registration portal now live at