Property For Sale – Lot No. 3 Salt Pond Estate

September 26, 2023 in National

The property described below is offered for sale by FirstCaribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited in its capacity as Mortgagee. Interested persons may contact FirstCaribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited’s Attorneys-at-Law, Kelsick, Wilkin & Ferdinand for further information and Conditions of Sale at Tel: (869) 465-2440 or Email: NOTE: FirstCaribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited shall not be obliged to accept the highest offer or any offer made.

Description of Property:
ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land hereditaments and premises known as Lot No. 3 situate at Salt Pond Estate in the Parish of Saint George, in the Island of Saint Christopher comprising 57,165.49 square feet and bounded and measuring as follows, that is to say, On or towards the North-West by a Drainage Easement and lands of Cramer, Pereira and Wilkin, 300.61; On or towards the North-East by Lot No. 2 of Turtle Beach Housing Development Phase 1, 138.87 feet; On or towards the South-East by Lots Nos. 2A, 2 and 1, 24.00 feet, 152.52 feet, 71.64 feet and 75 feet; and On or towards the South West by Lot No. 5, 199.10 feet; all the same as is described in an Indenture of Mortgage in favour of FirstCaribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited dated September 22, 2004 and recorded as Deed Number 13684 in Liber W Volume 7 at Folios 2875 to 2884 of the Register of Deeds for the Island of St Kitts.