Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars – the cost of a guard hut in the process of being constructed at Port Zante, Deputy Prime Minister Richards categorically denies knowledge of construction before Tuesday.
Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars. That’s the cost, according to information received by Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Shawn Richards, of a security hut which is in the process of being constructed at Port Zante. The Deputy Prime Minister, a guest on Freedom Fm’s number 1 talk show issues on Wednesday afternoon responded to questions about the high cost of the hut and revealed that he first became aware of the construction of the hut on Tuesday.
Minister Richards said that upon being made aware that there were accusations circulating that he was personally benefiting from the construction of the hut he made inquiries of board members and General Manager of the UDC Mrs. Cindy Demming Nias.
He further stated that it is his intention to further.